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The first thing you notice is the flavor. Which, oddly enough, is also the last thing you notice? This is not your flamethrower, take you out back for a beat down kinda hot. R.J. Iguanas knows how to get along with your favorite foods. It’s ready to make everything more flavorful, and yes, a perfect amount spicier!

For us, the taste starts with an immediate tang of vinegar, followed by that hint of vine-ripened tomatoes, and then – ahh yeah – that ‘just right’ burn. It’s the tingle of fresh habanero and black pepper that lingers just long enough to get you craving one more bite.

That's why we call it EVERYDAY HOT SAUCE.


Made From Everyday Stuff!


It took a lot of spicy trial and tasty error to discover the perfect recipe. Once we said, that's "The Stuff," we scribbled down what we'd done and it became V.I. Batch 23! The magic formula? Well, we’re keeping that to ourselves..

One thing we will say. It's made from simple, natural stuff – carrots, onions and tomatoes and some apple cider vinegar to give the sauce its zippiness. And of course, our beloved habanero peppers take center stage, with roasted garlic, salt, and a bit of sugar backing them up.

The stuff of legends, it’s been said. “Damn perfect,” if you ask us.
